
Genshin Impact Leaks Phase 2 Weapon Banner for Update 3.8

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New Genshin Impact leaks unveil upcoming weapon banner contents for Update 3.8's second part. Scroll down to download

Genshin Impact, the popular action role-playing game, is set to introduce new limited weapons in the second part of the highly anticipated version 3.8 update. A recent leak has provided valuable insights into the upcoming content, offering players a glimpse of what to expect in the coming weeks.

With each update, Genshin Impact introduces two distinct banner cycles that showcase different limited characters and weapons for a period of 3 to 4 weeks. Currently, the ongoing Limited Character Banner features the highly sought-after Cryo claymore user Eula and the Pyro catalyst Klee. Players eager to acquire either of these characters or their signature weapons have until July 25th to seize the opportunity before the banner expires.

The game's character pool continues to expand with each update, often presenting two limited five-star characters. These characters frequently have accompanying signature five-star weapons that perfectly complement their strengths and playstyles. Developer HoYoverse has established a consistent pattern of featuring both the five-star characters and their corresponding signature weapons within the same banner cycle. For instance, the current weapon banner highlights the Song of Broken Pines claymore and the Dodoco Tales catalyst, specifically designed for Eula and Klee, respectively.

The Genshin Impact Leaks subreddit recently shared a new post, shedding light on the weapons slated to arrive in the second half of version 3.8. According to the leak, the upcoming phase 2 of Genshin Impact version 3.8 will introduce the following weapons:

Tulaytullah's Remembrance - five-star catalyst

Everlasting Moonglow - five-star catalyst

Favonius Warbow - four-star bow

The Bell - four-star claymore

Dragon's Bane - four-star polearm

Wine and Song - four-star catalyst

Lion's Roar - four-star sword

Among these weapons, Tulaytullah's Remembrance, a five-star catalyst, will make its debut alongside the renowned Anemo user Wanderer, whose banner re-run has been confirmed for Phase 2 of update 3.8. Wanderer stands out as a unique DPS character with a distinct playstyle centered around Normal and Charged Attacks. Tulaytullah's Remembrance can be wielded by any catalyst user in the game whose kit revolves around these types of attacks.

Another noteworthy addition is the Everlasting Moonglow, a five-star catalyst tailored to suit the playstyle of Sangonomiya Kokomi, a popular Hydro user. With the recent introduction of Dendro elemental reactions, Kokomi's position in Genshin Impact's character meta has been completely redefined, making her a highly coveted Hydro character among players.

While the two five-star catalysts are considered top-tier additions, some fans have expressed disappointment with the four-star lineup. These weapons are perceived as generic options that have been present in the game for an extended period. Over the past few months, Genshin Impact players have been advocating for a rework of the four-star drops, urging HoYoverse to introduce fresher and more exciting options.

Genshin Impact is currently available for Android, iOS, PC, PS4, and PS5, with a Switch version also in development. Stay tuned for the second half of the 3.8 update, featuring these anticipated limited weapons and the thrilling adventures they will bring to the game.

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